All India Council for Technical Education.
Welcome to
AICTE Leadership in
Teaching Excellence - Dynamic Curriculum
LITE curricula are dynamic and maintained by teaching fellows who are industry practitioners.
This page contains the most recent versions of all curricula, access to previous versions, and details of significant changes between versions.

Credit Course in Advanced Web Development
MAY 2024
Version 4 Released
MAY 2024
Version 4 Released
Major changes in the revised version include:
- The development of both WD301 (Front-end Development with React & TypeScript) and WD401 (Getting Ready for Production) is complete, and the courses have been released to students.
- All assignments in WD201 and WD301 have been updated to use the Virtual Teaching Assistant for automated reviews, similar to WD101. Students will still be able to request manual reviews of their submissions. In WD401, assignments in 9 modules are manually reviewed, with the last module being reviewed using AI.
This is the updated curriculum shared with AICTE, under the Global Developer Corps (GDC) Artificial Intelligence Workforce Scheme 2024-2029.
Version 3 Released
Version 3 Released
Major changes in the revised version include:
- Content related to introduction to web development in Module 1 of WD101 was moved to Module 2 for a better fit.
- A video demonstrating WD101 capstone project requirement was added to help students understand what's required.
- Module 7 Add User Interface for To-do Applicationand module 8 EJS Templating in WD201 have been swapped for a better continuity.
- Heroku was replaced with Render as a suggested cloud deployment platform in the WD201 course.
This is the updated curriculum, and it is in the process of being sent to AICTE for getting published. Since that will take some time, you can access the updated curriculum structure for your reference meanwhile
JULY 2022
Version 2 Released
JULY 2022
Version 2 Released
Version 2 of the Model Curriculum for Credit Course in Advanced Web Development is now released.
Significant changes in the revised version include:
- 3 Industry experts have been onboarded and involved in course creation and updates.
- The content of the Web Development 101 course has been updated.
- A Node.js course has replaced the earlier Web Development 201 course based on Ruby on Rails.
MARCH 2022
Version 1 Released
MARCH 2022
Version 1 Released
Version 1 of the Model Curriculum for Credit course in Advanced Web Development has been approved and published by AICTE.
Version 1 can be downloaded from AICTE Website here.
Download Version 1Questions?
If you have any questions, please write to support@pupilfirst.org
Credit Course in
Electric Vehicles
JUNE 2024
Version 5 Released
JUNE 2024
Version 5 Released
Version 5 of the Model Curriculum for Open Electives in Electric Vehicles is now released.
The major changes include:
- The aspect of battery management system algorithms was introduced in Module 4 of EV201. Basics of Python programming and step-by-step exercises were included to enable students to develop their battery management algorithm.
- A 6-MOSFET motor controller was introduced in the EV201 Capstone project. The capstone was split into 3 phases, namely developing the 6 MOSFET motor controller, improving the communication between BMS and motor, and developing a BMS algorithm to enable students to learn step-by-step on upgrading their EV powertrain prototype.
- The EV101 Capstone project was revised to eliminate the comprehensive report submission. The capstone has been split into multiple levels through the course, where students are guided step-by-step on virtually modelling their own two-wheeler EV conversion.
Version 4 Released
Version 4 Released
Version 4 of the Model Curriculum for Open Electives in Electric Vehicles is now released.
The major changes include:
- The EV201 course has been restructured to better align with the academic semester schedule. It now includes optional modules to accommodate diverse student preferences.
- Design of the custom PCB board has been revised for ease of manufacturing, along with the addition of capabilities for charging and discharging.
- The thermal management module has been enhanced, incorporating additional concepts and activities relevant to the industry. The module has been updated with more concepts and activities for students to gain experience in industry relevant thermal simulations.
- The capstone of the course has been revised for students to learn and experiment on 6 - MOSFET motor controller circuit which mimics the motors currently used in modern-day vehicles.
MAY 2023
Version 3 Released
MAY 2023
Version 3 Released
Version 3 of the Model Curriculum for Open Electives in Electric Vehicles is now released.
The changes include:
- EV 201 course has been updated with a revised curriculum.
- A custom-designed printed circuit board has been developed and included in the KIT.
- Exercises with custom-designed boards for students to work with BMS systems and algorithms have been included.
- Topics on carbon credits have been included in the EV 201 course.
Version 2 Released
Version 2 Released
Version 2 of the Model Curriculum for Open Electives in Electric Vehicles is now released.
The changes include:
- The course structure has been updated for the Electric Vehicles 101 course.
- Addition of new topics on importance of battery thermal design to Electric Vehicles 101 course.
JULY 2022
Version 1 Released
JULY 2022
Version 1 Released
Version 1 of the Model Curriculum for Electric Vehicles has been approved and published by AICTE.
Version 1 can be downloaded from AICTE Website here.
Download Version 1Industry Partner

If you have any questions, please write to us at support@pupilfirst.org
Credit Course in Swabodha - Yogic Psychology for Self-Mastery.
Version 1 released
Version 1 released
Version 1 of the Model Curriculum for Swabodha - Yogic Psychology for Self-Mastery is in the process of getting approved by AICTE.
The curriculum for Swabodha course is under process to be submitted for approval at AICTE.
Industry partner - Purnam Centre for Integrality, Auroville.

If you have any questions, please write to us at support@pupilfirst.org
If you have any questions, please write to support@pupilfirst.org